Relationships as Teenagers

 I was twelve years old when my father talked to me about girls. “Don’t take it seriously and when you approach them do it respectfully but at ease”, he said. These words have lived within me for six years and counting. Unlike most both of my parents were easy going about this type of issue meaning long as I do well in my studies. They would always tell me that it’s fun and a part of life but it’s not everything to life. When I had my first “girlfriend” I went and told my parents and they just smiled at me and told me to treat her right. 

When that “relationship” ended, I went to my parents again. They adviced me to learn from my mistakes and keep going.They made it a comfortable environment for me to come to them about anything, anytime. 

This is not a story about how I was raised, or the relationship I have with my parents. This is me giving parents an insight on what we feel. One thing parents should realize is that relationships are a part of our lives. Whether you know about it or not it is eventually going to happen.

 I’ve seen a lot of people/friends that have entered relationships yet are so paranoid about what they do or say. They would go out but tell their parents that they’re going out with friends or a cousin or anyone who their parents know. Even at school they’d pretend like they don’t know the person when any parent is around. Now, all this beating around the bush is not good for either of them. The people in the “relationship” would not have a good time and the parents would grow distant from their kids. This is something so mediocre yet parents imagine something worse (ayargew ena) so much that children try to solve the problems on their own. Now, Which is not a good thing. Parents have so much wisdom to pass on to us. We’re just trying to navigate through life whilst you already have. Go back a few years to the time you were also a teenager, how would you feel if you were in their shoes. So all I’m trying to say is try to understand us. Now that being said, I do understand that your fears and non acceptance of this concept is coming from a place of love.

Like I said before we’re just trying to navigate through life. Just because we act like we know everything doesn’t mean we don’t need your support. In having “relationships” at a young age, parents believe that we don’t know what we’re doing. In that comes sex, pregnancy, peer-pressure et cetera. Parents believe that we are more vulnerable to make mistakes. So they’re just trying to protect us so cut them some slack. 

Now that I tried to make both parties see each other’s points of view as much as I can, I’m going to propose a solution. Just talk about it. Understand what the other person’s thoughts are on the topic. A strong relationship with parents starts with talking about the little things. If you guys don’t say something now imagine how spooked you’ll be when you tell your parents you’re getting married. And parents, don’t shut your children out because it really isn’t going to help anyone out. If you don’t believe it’s the right way then tell them that with a proper and sufficient explanation and don’t just say “Because I said so” or “As long as you live under my roof”. But then again, I’m a child for a lot of people so what do I know.

Published by Abenezer Getachew

Addis Ababa. 17. Vibes

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