Relationships as Teenagers

 I was twelve years old when my father talked to me about girls. “Don’t take it seriously and when you approach them do it respectfully but at ease”, he said. These words have lived within me for six years and counting. Unlike most both of my parents were easy going about this type of issueContinue reading “Relationships as Teenagers”

Melkam Meskel

Among the many things that make Ethiopia very unique, the holiday of Meskel and the traditional celebration of Damera is definitely up there on the top of the list. I remember going to Meskel Adebabay (Meskel square) each year on the day of Damera. The big ceremony in front of the huge mountain of chibo.Continue reading “Melkam Meskel”

Picture this…

It’s 5:30 in the morning on Puagme 5. Ethiopian New Year’s eve. You’re in the middle of the local marketplace because your friends have told you you can get anything you want for the upcoming holiday. This is your first time visiting the marketplace and you’ve heard the stories that happen in marketplaces. You knowContinue reading “Picture this…”

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